Translating Your Data
Accurate data is a big part of what makes the Heed solution so powerful as a network monitoring tool. Data captured not only alerts you to potential overflows, it can also tell you about…
Climate and weather impact
Impact of weather events on your waste and stormwater systems (e.g. rainfall modelling; areas underwater)
Live waterway safety - real-time Heed data supplements your existing modelled information
System wide health
Your system’s status - Rolling out across your pipe network helps you pinpoint problem areas in your system
Maintenance needed - your unit not communicating indicates a blocked signal (e.g. area covered in debris)
Budgets and reporting
Where your infrastructure priorities are - historic data on alerting units can help you plan your future spend
Accurate regulatory compliance information - gives a true number of overflows AND preventions
Resource efficiencies
Precise lid locations - our long / lat unit IDs save you looking for a manhole lid at a non-specific address
Focus areas for maintenance crews - informs you where and when your team need to act