Identifying Inflow and Infiltration

Weather events are increasing in frequency and severity, leading to a growing number of I&I events. Heed helps councils pinpoint which infrastructure is the most affected and take action to future proof against these events.

During a round of heavy rainfall, 12 Heed sensors detected 43 events in a 36-hour period. These sensors are often active during rainfall events, indicating a high likelihood of inflow or infiltration in the areas where these are installed.

Real life example: A council has installed two of their Heed sensors 170m apart, but on the same line. One sensor was alerting regularly during the rainfall event, while the other didn’t alert at all.

This information improves the ability of the council to identify where excess ground and stormwater is entering their wastewater system.

Combining Heed data with existing GIS three waters mapping can further narrow down the likely culprit, which helps the council form a stronger case for future upgrade work.

Talk to us to learn more.


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